Decluttering and Spring Cleaning Made Easy with Mini Storage
Bargain Storage
November 26th, 2024

It’s that time of year again – time to spring clean!If you’re not excited by the prospect, take heart. We’re here to help. Today, you’ll see how mini self-storage in Fort Worth can make decluttering easier. Plus, we’ll share some other helpful decluttering tips that will get you excited to start this big yet satisfying project.
Why Invest in Fort Worth Mini Storage While Decluttering?
Decluttering your home doesn’t mean you have to toss or donate every item you don’t intend to keep in your home. That type of thinking is something that keeps people from getting started. If you don’t want to get rid of everything – don’t worry. You can declutter your home while keeping other items in storage, items like:
- Your kid’s old clothes or toys
- Your grandmother’s antique furniture
- Holiday decorations
- Seasonal items
- Furniture or boxes for your grown kids or other family members
Using a long-term storage facility like Bargain Storage will help you keep these items in good condition until you or your family members need them again.
4 Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Tips
Now that you know what you’re going to do with the items you want out of your living space, what’s next? Getting started. Here are some tips that will make your decluttering and spring-cleaning projects easier.
1. Start with Just Five Minutes at a Time
The idea of cleaning and decluttering your home from top to bottom can get overwhelming fast. Make things easy on yourself – just commit to a project for five minutes. One of two things will happen:
- You’ll get into a groove and not want to quit
- You’ll move onto something else while feeling proud that you did at least a few minutes
Either way, it’s a win for you. Certain projects might take longer but in the end, it will all get done.You can use this method when cleaning, too. Try dusting as much of the house as you can in 10 minutes. Dust the ceiling fans or baseboards. Breaking tasks down into micro-projects make them less daunting.
2. Challenge Yourself with a Trash Bag or Basket
Want to try and get as much cleaning and decluttering done as possible? Set the timer for 30-60 minutes, grab a trash bag or basket, and go from one room to the next gathering up as much as you possibly can. During this time, you can collect:
- Trash
- Laundry
- Things to donate
- Things to toss
- Items to store in a Fort Worth self-storage unit
3. Find Your Cleaning Personality
The folks at Real Simple have a fun personality test for you to take. It determines what type of cleaner you are. Having that information will help you use your strengths to get jobs done around the home in record time.
4. Take Your Time with Documents and Files
Some papers you need to have easy access to but don’t need to store in the home. For those papers, consider investing in document storage with Bargain Storage. They handle file storage for individuals and businesses alike, so whether you’re decluttering your home office or business office, they’ll keep your documents safe from harm.
Start Summer off Right with Thorough Spring Decluttering
Having clutter all around you can weigh on your mind. Give yourself a carefree summer by taking care of your decluttering projects now. It will take some time and effort to be sure – but come summer, you’ll realize it was well worth it. Not sure if you should sell or donate some items? Until you decide, store them at Bargain Storage self-storage.
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